Again it's an old post of Marie website
Three wishes part 1:
I can only be grateful and work harder now. I pass my nights and days submiting to his numerous demands. I wait for him, pray for him to stop his games, but nothing works. I can't focus anymore at this point, I have to let go and surrender.
He is behind me and watches with great intensity what I am doing. I feel self conscious as always with him. And I can't help it, I grin madly because it's the only thing to do as he pleasures me so well.
His attention is my world, his nibbles are my life now.
What would I do to have just one more moment with him? Anything, anytime.
My mind processes the fact that he is still watching me and all I can do is bent my head and wait for him.
Touching him, waiting, craving, all this necessary steps in love I will never know...
Did I tell you where I was? No, of course not. My memory plays me tricks. Time is something strange. It doesn't help the minutes and hours counts by sixty, nothing can help it. This sand around me, I crave for water now, I crave for him like I crave for water. A thirst no one can understand except him, my sweet angel.
I made it to the cavern now, and crawl near the source, finally some water... a bottle of "witch", not the beautifullest, but as I brush its side, something happen, woosh! a small angel comes out and tells me "3 wishes for the lady, old as they are named, no time left, you should spill the wicked spell".
Surprised at first, I come to realise the childish song is made for me, something strange calls to my heart and guts and i make one attempt "will you get my love back?"
"Yes if it is your first wish, I gladly will offer that to you" woosh!!! Back in time, in his arms... purrs!
To be continued!
dimanche 20 avril 2014
mardi 15 avril 2014
my blog and some kind of reflexions...
Hi hi,
I guess it's the right time to thank everyone and each of you for following me here.
I am amazed at the number of people reading me.
I am not into kink that much, but i like, once in a while, some nice sweet sexiness.
Some told me that i was naughty (and they are true friends to me... still! lol) but i don't really recognise myself as such. I did myself the reflexion that i loved not the so called "dirty" talk but, "sexy sweet sugar love talk" yes, no doubt!! I like that!!
Let me be (as you all know how to do it) and enjoy your time around here as much as i enjoyed writing.
I may even consider posting my stories here if you are really really sweet with me and leave me here nice comments. There are much appreciated, it helps me changes the ways I write and hopefully improve them.
So a huge huge thank you to all.
I guess it's the right time to thank everyone and each of you for following me here.
I am amazed at the number of people reading me.
I am not into kink that much, but i like, once in a while, some nice sweet sexiness.
Some told me that i was naughty (and they are true friends to me... still! lol) but i don't really recognise myself as such. I did myself the reflexion that i loved not the so called "dirty" talk but, "sexy sweet sugar love talk" yes, no doubt!! I like that!!
Let me be (as you all know how to do it) and enjoy your time around here as much as i enjoyed writing.
I may even consider posting my stories here if you are really really sweet with me and leave me here nice comments. There are much appreciated, it helps me changes the ways I write and hopefully improve them.
So a huge huge thank you to all.
dimanche 13 avril 2014
Prompt #98 : Hunger (Wicked Wednesday) / Désir (perversion aimable) (traduction FR / ENG)
Prompt #98 : Hunger
Hunger, black and white sides,
Polishing our sins or our virtues,
No such thing as attractive as hunger may be for
Your skin, your eyes, your legs, your arms.
Hunger, my flame to sustain fantasy,
Delicious perversion of a kind soul,
I definitely want it never to end
Your plea, your guess, your wait, your come.
Hunger, my delight as a respectable woman,
Ludicrous claim at your expense,
I put it on the table haphazardly for you to
Take it lustful, shameless, finally, definitively.
For you, my sweet angel.
Désir, en noir et blanc,
Adouci nos péchés ou nos vertus,
Rien d'aussi séduisant que le désir de
Votre peau, vos yeux, votre corps.
Désir, ma flamme pour endurer le rêve,
Perversion délicieuse d'une âme douce,
Assurément, je ne veux pas que cela finisse
Vos attentes, votre ascension, votre ultime délivrance.
Désir, mon plaisir de femme respectable,
Réclamation risible à vos dépens,
Je l'ai mis sur la table, au petit bonheur, afin que vous
Le preniez enflammé, effronté, délivré, à jamais.
Hunger, black and white sides,
Polishing our sins or our virtues,
No such thing as attractive as hunger may be for
Your skin, your eyes, your legs, your arms.
Hunger, my flame to sustain fantasy,
Delicious perversion of a kind soul,
I definitely want it never to end
Your plea, your guess, your wait, your come.
Hunger, my delight as a respectable woman,
Ludicrous claim at your expense,
I put it on the table haphazardly for you to
Take it lustful, shameless, finally, definitively.
For you, my sweet angel.
Désir, en noir et blanc,
Adouci nos péchés ou nos vertus,
Rien d'aussi séduisant que le désir de
Votre peau, vos yeux, votre corps.
Désir, ma flamme pour endurer le rêve,
Perversion délicieuse d'une âme douce,
Assurément, je ne veux pas que cela finisse
Vos attentes, votre ascension, votre ultime délivrance.
Désir, mon plaisir de femme respectable,
Réclamation risible à vos dépens,
Je l'ai mis sur la table, au petit bonheur, afin que vous
Le preniez enflammé, effronté, délivré, à jamais.
Hotel - wicked Wednesday post

Hotel of despair
Hotel of hope
Will you touch me with secrecy
Sweet thought of remembrance
Your hand glistened like a silk glove
I recall each brush, soft and beautiful
This hotel I pass by each day
Now engraved by our love making
A moan pictured on the walls
A nestle of disguised needs
Ultimate fake for a duet dance
Will you come for me?
For you.
(sorry for now, it's not the real link to the Wicked wednesday page, as i was too late to post!
my apologises to the owner of the website, i just added an external link out of respect to show where the theme came from, which was inspiring today. Thanks ;-))
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