
samedi 30 mai 2015

Poetry In Motion : Anticipation

Word prompt : anticipation

Keys playing Amour
Cheer wonder in a cold armour
Glistening softly over whispering souls
Are they the anticipation of fall

An angel got to open the door
Fighting her dull nightmare
With wings not to ignore
Strength precious to bear
It comes to dawn
Keys with a clue
Dolled up for closure in blue
Music is anticipation of love brightly shown


dimanche 10 mai 2015

Poetry in Motion : Imagination

In a day far away
2034 means more of nothing
Little flies in my head night and day
Bugging me to get in gear diving

Nothing worse than imagination
Let the old hot-air balloon fly
This distant cycle within my fear of motion
In the confine of my emotion space high

Counting hours before dawn
Tick tack tick tack
I fought against all odds a yawn
Her beauty wasn't in my back

Climbing mountains over the rainbow
I basked in the seconds of love
Do i need to recall bowing out the dove
I let my mind follow her sorrow

She was my unique goal
My precious bridge to sanctity
I cancelled all the sagged souls in my household
To get the final touch of my fear with no dignity


(sabsam789 10/05/2015)

vendredi 8 mai 2015

Hooded lady / Femme sous cape (traduction FR / ENG)

Pour Claude G qui m'a laissé utiliser cette photo, merci infiniment


Invisible breath
floral scattered
foggy abandonment
to hide this look
tell so little
run after hope
godless wish
doleful angel
malevolent desire
unspeakable truth
lives out of reach
eternal mask
powdered universe
exoticism of an instant
end announced

mardi 5 mai 2015

Belle rencontre / Sweet encounter (translated FR / ENG)

Laisser en surbrillance Une douceur involontaire du regard De la tristesse faire une erreur volontaire Croire que demain apportera une réponse Tenir une main pour ne pas tomber Accompagner jusqu'à la fin Quand la solitude est notre seule compagnie Seule compagne de duplicité avérée Elle vous trahit toujours une dernière fois


let it shine over
such unintended kindness in your eyes
from sadness, make an involuntary fault
believe that tomorrow will bring an answer
lend a hand to not fall
stay till the end
when solitude is our only companion
only friend of stated duplicity
she betrays you even the ultimate time

lundi 4 mai 2015

#poetryinmotion : Dream / Rêve (Traduction FR / ENG)

Sujet : Rêve

(pour le coup la traduction ne peut pas suivre le même processus qu'en Anglais et reprendre le mot Catharsis en début et fin de vers, lisible de haut et bas et, inversement, je m'en excuse par avance, mais c'est impossible de garder le sens et les lettres/mots)

Effrayé par la nuit
Déguisant ses rêves ambivalents, acte irréfléchi
Elle apprit très tôt qu'elle devait obéir et se taire
Loin dans la brûme, elle s'en alla prier sur l'autel
Tout ce qu'ils surent était sa soumission à Ra
Brûlante de vie, ils dansèrent sur leur proie
Des messagers firent sa perte à travers les chemins
Ils l’assommèrent de peurs, l'exhortant à l'au-delà
La Mort la séduisant quand son destin n'était qu'un rêve imaginé


Picture prompt : Dream

Caught in the fright of darkness
Ambivalent her needs in disguise she didn't calculate factor Pi
Taught early she had to obey and not fuss
High in the midst she went to prey at the altar
All they knew was her submission to Ra
Roaring with life, they strive at their catch
Sending all over the world messengers of her debt
Induced feelings of fear into her heart to join Valhalla
Seducing her to death as her fate was a dream of denying psychic


You may have noticed (or not) i used the trick from Shawn D. Standfast "Tango" acrostich and had much fun with "catharsis". You may read it vertically (first letters) and reversed (last letters) of each verse. It's the first time I try this and I am pretty happy with how it sorted. It made me think of it, instead of writing with the flow as I usually do.

Laces (new poem) - Dentelles (Traduction FR / ENG)

Photo from Antinomian panel @njeastman

In the shades of lace
She invaded my senses 
Blowing softness and temptation 
One reminder came out bluntly 
"Watch but do not touch" 
My heart sped higher than never 
She is my sin in a dream 


Dans les ombres de la soie
Elle envahit mes sens
Soufflant douceur et tentation
Le rappel à l'ordre fut brutal
"Regardes mais ne touches pas!"
Mon coeur se mit à battre à tout rompre
Elle est mon pêché en rêve

dimanche 3 mai 2015

I read fast because...

I read fast because I want to read as much as I can
I read fast because I want to hold your heart in my hands
I read fast to not miss one bit of your evolution
I read fast because I need your words
I read fast because new words feed me more than food
I read fast because I fear death will catch me too soon
I read fast because I want to read the last of your word

03/05/2015 Sabine

(this one is following some tweets i read from people telling they took their time to enjoy each word they read, when i couldn't, when i was eager for more...)

Waiting / Attendre (translated French and English)

Nightmare in white and blue
I had to let go and make a step forward
Delights won't come alone
Try to understand me
The shy in my heart cannot scream
The blind from your light cannot play
I ought to believe someday you will hear
My complaint isn't very commun
It sleeves in the small space
Between your hand and your heart
You can't subdue to my light
Without giving up your armour
Let's harm it once and for all
And wait for our unique complaint
To shine forceful and bright

03/05/2015 Sabine (written for Denise)

Cauchemar en lumières aveuglantes, blues
Je devais laisser aller, faire un pas en avant
Les plaisirs ne viennent jamais seuls
Essayes de me comprendre
La timide en mon coeur ne peut s'échapper
Aveuglée par ta lumière, elle ne peut jouer
Je crois qu'un jour tu entendras
Ma complainte n'est pas commune
Elle s'échappe par les fentes
Entre ta main et ton coeur
Tu ne peux te soumettre à ma lumière
Sans abandonner ton armure
Brisons-la une fois pour toutes
Et attendons qu'apparaisse notre complainte unique
Dans toute sa force et sa brillance

(avec quelques adaptations sur le sens :))