Will never fade till consumption
Will gives me strength over drunken needs
Will empowers me with words and insights
Will kicks ass,mine too
Dominant needs, no better saying
Will it work for the good
Or take me down to despair?
No choice but to leave it
To trompets of joy or dark
Fading memories, fading friends,
It comes to an end without warning,
No suppliers, no definitive words,
An overwhelming absence to cry over.
Were you there for me,
On some lonely world,
We were there in the heat of the moment,
Nothing more than a wish of vanity.
Dominant thoughts vanishing into wine oblivion,
Will you take me down and bent,
My will is there in your laps,
No meaning is worth a lie.
Blissful domination, adoration,
Delicate intriguing delice of blows,
Soft red marks of love,
Sin is getting the best of me.
Delightful virgin, she let him,
Chaos of thrills and cries,
Haphazardly melted in a charm of bliss,
Handing delights of definitive knots.
Lies living up to my expectations,
I was waiting for the big void,
Your absence has such meaning,
I am not waiting anymore,
New friends came.
Fairy thoughts of friends vanishing,
Others taking their places,
Sources of desire lost,
I surrender to new worlds of joy.
vendredi 31 janvier 2014
samedi 25 janvier 2014
Old story
how does it come silence becomes unbearable noise?
how does it come noise becomes impossible choice?
one thought of undone desire, a mess in our life,
a longing for attention, exclusive to others,
an ultimate call before the end.
nothing can happen when chemistry is only in words
a so called lust for rhymes hurting so much
bare in your hands, like never in others,
time to move over has come,
I give you back to the unknown history
no fight, no commiseration,
love is long gone,
twenty years with an obsession
your skin under my thumb
did you ever meant any love
or interest only was your guide?
this scheme seems overplayed
but then a constant in my life
misery over longing
past phantoms of my pride
I dare you now to come and sank
your heart is mine
everlasting perfection
in eternity you are drowned
I forget now your name
and let you go into oblivion.
how does it come noise becomes impossible choice?
one thought of undone desire, a mess in our life,
a longing for attention, exclusive to others,
an ultimate call before the end.
nothing can happen when chemistry is only in words
a so called lust for rhymes hurting so much
bare in your hands, like never in others,
time to move over has come,
I give you back to the unknown history
no fight, no commiseration,
love is long gone,
twenty years with an obsession
your skin under my thumb
did you ever meant any love
or interest only was your guide?
this scheme seems overplayed
but then a constant in my life
misery over longing
past phantoms of my pride
I dare you now to come and sank
your heart is mine
everlasting perfection
in eternity you are drowned
I forget now your name
and let you go into oblivion.
mercredi 22 janvier 2014
Dark feelings
Beaming as it is
He got her from start
A shot of pleasure in words
Sweet delights lost
In false hopes and day dreams
Day dreams she hoped to forget
In a daze of romantic feelings
In the arms of a willing nobody
A flash of indignity
Her prospect for his need
His need always coming first
She knew from start to be defeated
No turning back possible
As he selfishly blew her heart into million pieces
These precious pieces she cared for
Remainings of a past only she could understand
Delving into them when needed
To renew her vow of darkness
Somber darker needs she had to revive
To be able to create all new feelings
Despair her best guide to the unknown
Dealing with her past and present loves
He got her from start
A shot of pleasure in words
Sweet delights lost
In false hopes and day dreams
Day dreams she hoped to forget
In a daze of romantic feelings
In the arms of a willing nobody
A flash of indignity
Her prospect for his need
His need always coming first
She knew from start to be defeated
No turning back possible
As he selfishly blew her heart into million pieces
These precious pieces she cared for
Remainings of a past only she could understand
Delving into them when needed
To renew her vow of darkness
Somber darker needs she had to revive
To be able to create all new feelings
Despair her best guide to the unknown
Dealing with her past and present loves
samedi 18 janvier 2014
La môme / The Kid
Special note :
I just realise it will be the last of my old poems i will be able to share, i think i throw everything else to the bin! :-(
Je viens de réaliser que j'ai jeté l'intégralité de mes poèmes sous format papier à la poubelle!
La môme que vous connaissiez,
A connu les chemins d’une vie faites de délicats larcins.
Passant par la bretelle,
Vous avez vu tout ce que vous vouliez d’elle,
Sans ailes, délaissée dans le ravin,
Ses souvenirs foulés par le destin…
Sa vie passée à compter les chiffres de sa déchéance,
Soir après soir, vous l’avez sommée de reculer
Devant la noirceur de vos desseins assassins.
La môme que vous connaissiez,
Vivait du doux rêve d’un ticket gagnant,
Appelée affectueusement de dix milles noms,
Différents à chaque fois qu’elle disait non,
Et voulait la loterie aux trois couleurs d’un pays,
Le passeport de ces dix ans de vie sans lendemains ni dédits.
Sa vie lassée des enchères de vos désirs malins,
Soir après soir, par vos âmes égarés,
Vous l’avez acculée à pas de chance…
La môme que vous connaissiez
Est partie dans un murmure, tracé sur son bras en grand,
Ligne de vie oubliée pour qui n’a plus la donne…
Mi-ange, mi-démon, vous êtes partis d’une vie atone
Dépassés par la fragile étincelle de son expérience,
Consumée pour avoir voulu tout vivre.
La môme que vous connaissiez…
The kid you knew,
has wandered the paths of life made by delicate thefts.
Passing by the strap,
You saw all you wanted from her,
No left wings, abandoned in a ravine,
Her memories fooled by fate…
Her life spent counting figures of her forfeiture,
Night after night, you summoned her to move back
From the blackness of your deadly intentions.
The kid you knew,
Lived within a soft dream of a winning ticket,
Affectionately called by ten thousands names,
Different each time she said no,
And wanted the lottery in three colors of a country,
The passport of these ten years of life with no tomorrow nor revocations.
Her life tired by the bids of your cunning desires,
Night after night, by your misled souls,
You forced her to step out of any chance…
The kid you knew
Left in a rustle, drawn on her arm in giant letters,
Forgotten life line for those with nothing more to gambler…
Part time angel, part time devil, you left from an apathetic life
Overtaken by the fragile spark of her experience,
Consumed by the ultimate need to live everything.
The kid you knew…
I just realise it will be the last of my old poems i will be able to share, i think i throw everything else to the bin! :-(
Je viens de réaliser que j'ai jeté l'intégralité de mes poèmes sous format papier à la poubelle!
La môme que vous connaissiez,
A connu les chemins d’une vie faites de délicats larcins.
Passant par la bretelle,
Vous avez vu tout ce que vous vouliez d’elle,
Sans ailes, délaissée dans le ravin,
Ses souvenirs foulés par le destin…
Sa vie passée à compter les chiffres de sa déchéance,
Soir après soir, vous l’avez sommée de reculer
Devant la noirceur de vos desseins assassins.
La môme que vous connaissiez,
Vivait du doux rêve d’un ticket gagnant,
Appelée affectueusement de dix milles noms,
Différents à chaque fois qu’elle disait non,
Et voulait la loterie aux trois couleurs d’un pays,
Le passeport de ces dix ans de vie sans lendemains ni dédits.
Sa vie lassée des enchères de vos désirs malins,
Soir après soir, par vos âmes égarés,
Vous l’avez acculée à pas de chance…
La môme que vous connaissiez
Est partie dans un murmure, tracé sur son bras en grand,
Ligne de vie oubliée pour qui n’a plus la donne…
Mi-ange, mi-démon, vous êtes partis d’une vie atone
Dépassés par la fragile étincelle de son expérience,
Consumée pour avoir voulu tout vivre.
La môme que vous connaissiez…
The kid you knew,
has wandered the paths of life made by delicate thefts.
Passing by the strap,
You saw all you wanted from her,
No left wings, abandoned in a ravine,
Her memories fooled by fate…
Her life spent counting figures of her forfeiture,
Night after night, you summoned her to move back
From the blackness of your deadly intentions.
The kid you knew,
Lived within a soft dream of a winning ticket,
Affectionately called by ten thousands names,
Different each time she said no,
And wanted the lottery in three colors of a country,
The passport of these ten years of life with no tomorrow nor revocations.
Her life tired by the bids of your cunning desires,
Night after night, by your misled souls,
You forced her to step out of any chance…
The kid you knew
Left in a rustle, drawn on her arm in giant letters,
Forgotten life line for those with nothing more to gambler…
Part time angel, part time devil, you left from an apathetic life
Overtaken by the fragile spark of her experience,
Consumed by the ultimate need to live everything.
The kid you knew…
Le serpent des rivières et des fleuves / The snake of slow torrents and rivers
Je suis le serpent des rivières et des fleuves
Je suis sur la pente des rives humides
Je suis sur la piste des fauves affamés
Avoir quitté ma tanière
Sur une odeur passagère
Femelle assoiffée de sang, déveine délaissée
Je suis le serpent des rivières et des fleuves
Je suis la serre des âmes ignorées
Je suis la terre des corps désirés.
Peut-être quelque poulet ou faisan égaré,
Viendra-t-il s’oublier entre mes serres acérées ?
Peut-être pourrais-je savourer leur chair aimée…
Je suis le serpent des rivières et des fleuves
Je suis, au gré des courants, vert ou bleu
Je suis la fuite des filets aux fonds sans fin…
Voyager, ne voir que la terre argileuse
Ou se cogner à la pierre des chemins domestiqués
Laisser une écaille flotter et miroiter au soleil,
Je suis le serpent des songes, des mensonges
Je suis langueur et longueur,
Je suis le serpent-oiseau des rivières et des fleuves…
libre enfin.
I am the snake of slow torrents and rivers
I am on the slope of wet banks
I am on the track of starving fawns
Having left my den
On a fugitive perfume
Female thirsty for blood, abandoned bad luck
I am the snake of slow torrents and rivers
I am the greenhouse of unknown souls
I am the ground of desired bodies.
Maybe some chicken or misled pheasant,
Will forget itself between my sharp claws?
Maybe I could savor their tasty flesh…
I am the snake of slow torrents and rivers
I am, following the stream, green or blue
I am the leak of nets in endless depths…
Travelling, only searching for the clay soil
Or banging in the stone of domesticated paths
Letting a scale float and glitter into the sun,
I am the snake of dreams and lies
I am slowness and length,
I am the snakebird of rivers and skies…
free at last.
Je suis sur la pente des rives humides
Je suis sur la piste des fauves affamés
Avoir quitté ma tanière
Sur une odeur passagère
Femelle assoiffée de sang, déveine délaissée
Je suis le serpent des rivières et des fleuves
Je suis la serre des âmes ignorées
Je suis la terre des corps désirés.
Peut-être quelque poulet ou faisan égaré,
Viendra-t-il s’oublier entre mes serres acérées ?
Peut-être pourrais-je savourer leur chair aimée…
Je suis le serpent des rivières et des fleuves
Je suis, au gré des courants, vert ou bleu
Je suis la fuite des filets aux fonds sans fin…
Voyager, ne voir que la terre argileuse
Ou se cogner à la pierre des chemins domestiqués
Laisser une écaille flotter et miroiter au soleil,
Je suis le serpent des songes, des mensonges
Je suis langueur et longueur,
Je suis le serpent-oiseau des rivières et des fleuves…
libre enfin.
I am the snake of slow torrents and rivers
I am on the slope of wet banks
I am on the track of starving fawns
Having left my den
On a fugitive perfume
Female thirsty for blood, abandoned bad luck
I am the snake of slow torrents and rivers
I am the greenhouse of unknown souls
I am the ground of desired bodies.
Maybe some chicken or misled pheasant,
Will forget itself between my sharp claws?
Maybe I could savor their tasty flesh…
I am the snake of slow torrents and rivers
I am, following the stream, green or blue
I am the leak of nets in endless depths…
Travelling, only searching for the clay soil
Or banging in the stone of domesticated paths
Letting a scale float and glitter into the sun,
I am the snake of dreams and lies
I am slowness and length,
I am the snakebird of rivers and skies…
free at last.
Sally sadly so defended herself,
Violently shaking her heart,
There was no mistake,
He won the battle.
He couldn't deny her the will,
She packed herself for good measure,
One coup on the top,
Her heart breathed again in his embrace!
Lovely bytes in enclosed glass
So little space for kisses and embrace
Tempting vapourous alcohol
Drowned into surrender of love
Sally never thought an innocent play
Would lead her heart to such treasure
Delivering dilluted thoughts
Over played sanity
The wind blew over her
She let the morning polarize
No polar weather could defeat her resolve
Sally knew what was best for her
Like a sense of déjà-vu
Sally waited till the last moment
Not knowing what future had in store
Buying her a story of dreams and tales
PS it can be read as miscellaneous text or as a unique one, i guess, all published on twitter.
Violently shaking her heart,
There was no mistake,
He won the battle.
He couldn't deny her the will,
She packed herself for good measure,
One coup on the top,
Her heart breathed again in his embrace!
Lovely bytes in enclosed glass
So little space for kisses and embrace
Tempting vapourous alcohol
Drowned into surrender of love
Sally never thought an innocent play
Would lead her heart to such treasure
Delivering dilluted thoughts
Over played sanity
The wind blew over her
She let the morning polarize
No polar weather could defeat her resolve
Sally knew what was best for her
Like a sense of déjà-vu
Sally waited till the last moment
Not knowing what future had in store
Buying her a story of dreams and tales
PS it can be read as miscellaneous text or as a unique one, i guess, all published on twitter.
vendredi 17 janvier 2014
Une pente, une fente / A slope, a crack
Une pente, une fente, baiser de l’infini
Ou pore exsudant mille pensées à faire,
Une pente glissante, un dessous de lit
Une fente amante, entrée du serpent de mer…
Racoler les mots, les toucher d’ambiguïté,
Du sang, trouble à vomir,
Garder en toute impunité,
La fente dessinée.
A chaque va-et-vient on retourne,
Là où la pente est figée, la fente en larmes.
Délaissant cet angle, vue lascive et repentir,
De maux lourds de sens, laissez-vous emporter.
Une pente, une fente, dessert sans amertume
On le retrouve à la une, on le hume,
Une pente glissante, amour préjugé,
Une fente amante, guerre terminée…
Que l’on retrouve une pente dans l’histoire,
C’est l’Histoire qui fait la fente.
Une humeur lascive s’empare du plus pur dessein
Devenant mort de l’âme dans l’art, d’instinct…
Il n’y a plus de rime, passive Ariane tu vis sur le fil,
L’histoire décousue a perdue son fil…
Sur une pente amère
Ou une fente amène,
Peu importe la cause
C’est toujours de la prose…
(Pente et fente sont consanguines…).
14/09/93 et 28/03/01
A slope, a crack, kiss of infinity
Or pore exuding one thousand thoughts to be made,
A slippery slope, a bottom of bed
A mistress' crack, entered by an awe-inspiring spectre…
Tout for the words, touch them with ambiguity,
Some blood, shady to vomit,
Guard with complete impunity,
Thee drawn crack.
With every comings and goings we return,
Where the slope is congealed, the crack in tears.
Abandoning this angle, lascivious sight and to regret,
From heavy troubles full of sense, allow yourself to be taken.
A slope, a crack, dessert without bitterness
We find it on the front page, we smell it,
A slippery slope, prejudged love,
A mistress' crack, ended war…
Which we find, a slope in the story,
It's History which makes the crack.
A lascivious humor seizes the purest intention
Becoming the dead of an art soul, by instinct…
There is no rhyme anymore, passive Ariane, you lived on a thread,
The story, disconnected, lost its thread…
On a bitter slope
Or an affable crack,
No matter the cause
It's always prose…
(Slope and crack are bloody geminies)
Ou pore exsudant mille pensées à faire,
Une pente glissante, un dessous de lit
Une fente amante, entrée du serpent de mer…
Racoler les mots, les toucher d’ambiguïté,
Du sang, trouble à vomir,
Garder en toute impunité,
La fente dessinée.
A chaque va-et-vient on retourne,
Là où la pente est figée, la fente en larmes.
Délaissant cet angle, vue lascive et repentir,
De maux lourds de sens, laissez-vous emporter.
Une pente, une fente, dessert sans amertume
On le retrouve à la une, on le hume,
Une pente glissante, amour préjugé,
Une fente amante, guerre terminée…
Que l’on retrouve une pente dans l’histoire,
C’est l’Histoire qui fait la fente.
Une humeur lascive s’empare du plus pur dessein
Devenant mort de l’âme dans l’art, d’instinct…
Il n’y a plus de rime, passive Ariane tu vis sur le fil,
L’histoire décousue a perdue son fil…
Sur une pente amère
Ou une fente amène,
Peu importe la cause
C’est toujours de la prose…
(Pente et fente sont consanguines…).
14/09/93 et 28/03/01
A slope, a crack, kiss of infinity
Or pore exuding one thousand thoughts to be made,
A slippery slope, a bottom of bed
A mistress' crack, entered by an awe-inspiring spectre…
Tout for the words, touch them with ambiguity,
Some blood, shady to vomit,
Guard with complete impunity,
Thee drawn crack.
With every comings and goings we return,
Where the slope is congealed, the crack in tears.
Abandoning this angle, lascivious sight and to regret,
From heavy troubles full of sense, allow yourself to be taken.
A slope, a crack, dessert without bitterness
We find it on the front page, we smell it,
A slippery slope, prejudged love,
A mistress' crack, ended war…
Which we find, a slope in the story,
It's History which makes the crack.
A lascivious humor seizes the purest intention
Becoming the dead of an art soul, by instinct…
There is no rhyme anymore, passive Ariane, you lived on a thread,
The story, disconnected, lost its thread…
On a bitter slope
Or an affable crack,
No matter the cause
It's always prose…
(Slope and crack are bloody geminies)
Butterfly / Papillon
Tout murmure de sensibilité trouvera ici un cœur,
« La solitude plaît aux incertains »,
Que de solitudes pour une seule âme !
Que de peurs pour un seul cœur !
Des mots non-dits, j’ai hâte de les voir imprimés
Mais peur aussi de les casser…
Errant de l’une à l’autre idée,
Sans savoir laquelle dévoyer,
Je les présenterai comme confiseries douces-amères,
Oubli momentané ou porte condamnée…
« Carpe diem » à jamais…
Un fil nous lie à des idées, à un passé,
Électrique dans l’instant
Sans artifices, ni contingences,
Un interrupteur coupe la course des étoiles,
Les myriades étincelantes,
Les mires de l’orgueil,
Orgueil du mâle qui croit
Et veut connaître l’unité,
Cet espace non délimité,
Ramené à une cage,
Ramené à une âme…
Tu ne connaîtras pas la fin…
Mourir à l’aube du jour naissant…
Comme un papillon se pose et ferme ses ailes…
15/09/93 – 8/05/95 et 28/03/01
Any rustle of sensibility will find here a heart,
"Solitude please the uncertain",
Too much solitude for a single soul!
Too much fears for a single heart!
Words unspoken, I look forward to seeing them printed
But fear also to break them …
Wandering from one to another idea,
Not knowing which one leads me astray,
I shall present them as bittersweet candies,
Momentary oversight or condemned door
"Carpe diem" for ever …
A thread binds us to ideas, from the past,
Electrifying the instant
Without subtleties, nor contingencies,
A switch cuts the course of stars,
The glittering myriads,
The almighty sensation of the pride,
Pride of the male which believes
And wants to know unity,
This space never bounded,
Returned to a cage,
Returned to a soul…
You will not know the end…
Die at the dawn of the rising day…
As one butterfly lands and closes its wings.
« La solitude plaît aux incertains »,
Que de solitudes pour une seule âme !
Que de peurs pour un seul cœur !
Des mots non-dits, j’ai hâte de les voir imprimés
Mais peur aussi de les casser…
Errant de l’une à l’autre idée,
Sans savoir laquelle dévoyer,
Je les présenterai comme confiseries douces-amères,
Oubli momentané ou porte condamnée…
« Carpe diem » à jamais…
Un fil nous lie à des idées, à un passé,
Électrique dans l’instant
Sans artifices, ni contingences,
Un interrupteur coupe la course des étoiles,
Les myriades étincelantes,
Les mires de l’orgueil,
Orgueil du mâle qui croit
Et veut connaître l’unité,
Cet espace non délimité,
Ramené à une cage,
Ramené à une âme…
Tu ne connaîtras pas la fin…
Mourir à l’aube du jour naissant…
Comme un papillon se pose et ferme ses ailes…
15/09/93 – 8/05/95 et 28/03/01
Any rustle of sensibility will find here a heart,
"Solitude please the uncertain",
Too much solitude for a single soul!
Too much fears for a single heart!
Words unspoken, I look forward to seeing them printed
But fear also to break them …
Wandering from one to another idea,
Not knowing which one leads me astray,
I shall present them as bittersweet candies,
Momentary oversight or condemned door
"Carpe diem" for ever …
A thread binds us to ideas, from the past,
Electrifying the instant
Without subtleties, nor contingencies,
A switch cuts the course of stars,
The glittering myriads,
The almighty sensation of the pride,
Pride of the male which believes
And wants to know unity,
This space never bounded,
Returned to a cage,
Returned to a soul…
You will not know the end…
Die at the dawn of the rising day…
As one butterfly lands and closes its wings.
dimanche 12 janvier 2014
Je chéris une pierre qui luit dans la nuit / I love a stone gleaming at nights
Je chéris une pierre qui luit dans la nuit
Pour moi, elle exhale mille douceurs,
Elle fait oublier le temps qui s’enfuit,
M’entoure de quelques instants de bonheur.
Obsidienne obsédante de mes rêves
Elle brille, noire, sous la caresse de la lune
Aube naissante, elle se glisse sans trêve
Sur l’oreiller, dans mon sommeil,
A terre, à mon réveil.
Je chéris une pierre qui luit dans la nuit
Pour moi marquée de mille désirs,
Elle enivre l’attente
Elle délivre parfums et senteurs
Voyage de satin et d’ambre,
Au plus prés de la douceur de ma peau.
Piquetée d’étoiles, de gouttes d’eau,
Elle échappe à la vue de tous,
Septième ciel souriant des nues,
Je chéris une pierre qui luit dans la nuit.
I love a stone gleaming at nights
For me, she exhales thousands sweetnesses,
She brings oblivion of time running away,
Surrounds me with a few moments of happiness.
Obsessing obsidian in my dreams
She shines, black, under the moon caress
Rising dawn, she skips unceasingly
On the pillow, in my sleep,
On the ground, during my awakening.
I love a stone gleaming at nights
To me, marked with thousand desires,
She makes me drunk with expectation
She delivers perfumes and scents
Journey of satin and amber,
So close to the silkness of my skin.
Staked out by stars, drops of water,
She escapes from everyone's view,
Seventh skies of blissful starlights,
I love a stone gleaming at nights.
Pour moi, elle exhale mille douceurs,
Elle fait oublier le temps qui s’enfuit,
M’entoure de quelques instants de bonheur.
Obsidienne obsédante de mes rêves
Elle brille, noire, sous la caresse de la lune
Aube naissante, elle se glisse sans trêve
Sur l’oreiller, dans mon sommeil,
A terre, à mon réveil.
Je chéris une pierre qui luit dans la nuit
Pour moi marquée de mille désirs,
Elle enivre l’attente
Elle délivre parfums et senteurs
Voyage de satin et d’ambre,
Au plus prés de la douceur de ma peau.
Piquetée d’étoiles, de gouttes d’eau,
Elle échappe à la vue de tous,
Septième ciel souriant des nues,
Je chéris une pierre qui luit dans la nuit.
I love a stone gleaming at nights
For me, she exhales thousands sweetnesses,
She brings oblivion of time running away,
Surrounds me with a few moments of happiness.
Obsessing obsidian in my dreams
She shines, black, under the moon caress
Rising dawn, she skips unceasingly
On the pillow, in my sleep,
On the ground, during my awakening.
I love a stone gleaming at nights
To me, marked with thousand desires,
She makes me drunk with expectation
She delivers perfumes and scents
Journey of satin and amber,
So close to the silkness of my skin.
Staked out by stars, drops of water,
She escapes from everyone's view,
Seventh skies of blissful starlights,
I love a stone gleaming at nights.
Mayfly light overdue
(this one Sherlocked, you've been warned!)
Mayfly substitute of love and kindness,
Pouring debilitant faith in unity,
This man broke the law of fair amusement,
And i miss him more than i thought possible,
Mayfly till no more games,
Will it work for me to give it a try again?
This little heart of mine likes nice play.
My secret sherlocked reviewer got me wrong,
One warm sigh, another, bliss, i moan for him again.
Mayfly substitute of love and kindness,
Pouring debilitant faith in unity,
This man broke the law of fair amusement,
And i miss him more than i thought possible,
Mayfly till no more games,
Will it work for me to give it a try again?
This little heart of mine likes nice play.
My secret sherlocked reviewer got me wrong,
One warm sigh, another, bliss, i moan for him again.
Lights of desire
I made a vow with damned darkness,
A precious pain to go forward,
Put the words into precious packages,
A golden tie to shine all through,
I sent it to you as a reminder,
My own expectations gone lower and lower,
A light push of desire bubbling inside,
Made it all explode as a clock of warmness,
No definition for this ultimate freedom,
As the time goes and engulf my last breath.
A precious pain to go forward,
Put the words into precious packages,
A golden tie to shine all through,
I sent it to you as a reminder,
My own expectations gone lower and lower,
A light push of desire bubbling inside,
Made it all explode as a clock of warmness,
No definition for this ultimate freedom,
As the time goes and engulf my last breath.
samedi 11 janvier 2014
Light or dark feary feast
Will he surrender to lust?
I have this demand of romance
Why is it so impossible to fulfill for one man?
I have this crave of gentleness
Would it be selfish to make our life as one?
I can't be the one as it comes
Why would i be out of all the funny games?
Freedom for me is something i hate at times
I have this demand of romance
Why is it so impossible to fulfill for one man?
I have this crave of gentleness
Would it be selfish to make our life as one?
I can't be the one as it comes
Why would i be out of all the funny games?
Freedom for me is something i hate at times
Hiding in the darkest place
Not everything can ease my mind tonight,
Dark shadows play in my ground,
New year eve so promising,
Fun in my own little world,
I forgot how life would get it back at me,
A coup at my little heart,
Beating fast towards its end,
No fate secluded in my life,
Even the little selfish games denied,
Disappointment in all its glory.
Dark shadows play in my ground,
New year eve so promising,
Fun in my own little world,
I forgot how life would get it back at me,
A coup at my little heart,
Beating fast towards its end,
No fate secluded in my life,
Even the little selfish games denied,
Disappointment in all its glory.
Red pants
Red as silly little pants,
Adorned with laces of thoughts and unselfishness,
You will attract him for less,
A gentle breeze over my ass,
A spank not wanted,
Craved till completion,
Given without compromission,
My heart is spinning with love and understanding,
No one will ever take him in charge,
Forever more, forever closed.
Adorned with laces of thoughts and unselfishness,
You will attract him for less,
A gentle breeze over my ass,
A spank not wanted,
Craved till completion,
Given without compromission,
My heart is spinning with love and understanding,
No one will ever take him in charge,
Forever more, forever closed.
Special reviewer
I lost it to my special reviewer,
fun thrust till it was no more a game,
he dived into motion to satisfy me,
three, four times, a hype in power and lust,
was it me, a romantic as ever,
was it him, a player i don't give a damn,
a bitter thought i try to make mine,
such plays aren't for me, definitely,
from now on ended, like a sting to my skin,
i want to cry and i don't even know him,
how can i be so stupid and shameless
to let myself dive into sorrow,
one tear drop, maybe two and i will forget you,
maybe one more...
fun thrust till it was no more a game,
he dived into motion to satisfy me,
three, four times, a hype in power and lust,
was it me, a romantic as ever,
was it him, a player i don't give a damn,
a bitter thought i try to make mine,
such plays aren't for me, definitely,
from now on ended, like a sting to my skin,
i want to cry and i don't even know him,
how can i be so stupid and shameless
to let myself dive into sorrow,
one tear drop, maybe two and i will forget you,
maybe one more...
vendredi 10 janvier 2014
Time to time / Du temps au temps
J’ai laissé au temps du temps pour s’échapper
J’ai quitté tout ce fatras de choses matérielles qui épuisent
J’ai laissé le temps s’envoler vers des cieux plus cléments
J’ai quitté le froid de ma vie,
L’alizé a transi mes préjugés
J’ai transigé pour la chaleur de son âme
Laissant courir mes doigts sur les notes de sa peau
J’ai senti les fleurs se pâmer
Devant le charme des parfums d’autrefois
Cette vie qui ne vous quitte pas
Submergée de toutes les sensations de l’amour
Les couleurs des corolles qui ne fanent jamais
Je laisse le temps s’envoler si prés des cieux
Que parfois tu t’y brûles les ailes
Aucune fierté n’est feinte
Le soleil me donne la force de voir
Si tu cours derrière moi
Si tu viens après moi
Mais, au fond, je ne sais pas
Qui de toi ou moi verra la fin de tout cela…
J’ai transigé pour la chaleur de ton âme
Mes mains tremblent quand je te sais proche, si proche…
Tu touches à ma peau par des douceurs oubliées
Tu glisses sur ma vie par des chemins désirés
Du charme tu délaisses le superficiel
T’attachant à rester mon cœur amant et fidèle.
I gave up time to time till he escapes
I gave up all this jumble of material things which exhausts
I gave up time to fly away towards more clement heavens
I gave up the cold in my life,
The trade wind numbed my prejudices
I compromised myself for his soul heat
Letting roam my wistful fingers over the notes of his skin
I felt flowers were swooning
In front of the formerly charm of perfume
This life which doesn't leave you
Submerged by sensations of love
Colors of corollas, never fading
I gave up time to fly away closer to heavens
And sometimes you burn your wings to it
No pride is feigned
The sun gives me strength to see
If you run behind me
If you come after me
But, in fact, I don't know
Who, from you or me, will see the end of all this
I compromised myself for your soul heat
My hands tremble when I know you close, so close
You touch my skin by forgotten sweetnesses
You slide on my life by wished ways
Of charm, you abandon the superficial
Remaining my heart of love and my believer
J’ai quitté tout ce fatras de choses matérielles qui épuisent
J’ai laissé le temps s’envoler vers des cieux plus cléments
J’ai quitté le froid de ma vie,
L’alizé a transi mes préjugés
J’ai transigé pour la chaleur de son âme
Laissant courir mes doigts sur les notes de sa peau
J’ai senti les fleurs se pâmer
Devant le charme des parfums d’autrefois
Cette vie qui ne vous quitte pas
Submergée de toutes les sensations de l’amour
Les couleurs des corolles qui ne fanent jamais
Je laisse le temps s’envoler si prés des cieux
Que parfois tu t’y brûles les ailes
Aucune fierté n’est feinte
Le soleil me donne la force de voir
Si tu cours derrière moi
Si tu viens après moi
Mais, au fond, je ne sais pas
Qui de toi ou moi verra la fin de tout cela…
J’ai transigé pour la chaleur de ton âme
Mes mains tremblent quand je te sais proche, si proche…
Tu touches à ma peau par des douceurs oubliées
Tu glisses sur ma vie par des chemins désirés
Du charme tu délaisses le superficiel
T’attachant à rester mon cœur amant et fidèle.
I gave up time to time till he escapes
I gave up all this jumble of material things which exhausts
I gave up time to fly away towards more clement heavens
I gave up the cold in my life,
The trade wind numbed my prejudices
I compromised myself for his soul heat
Letting roam my wistful fingers over the notes of his skin
I felt flowers were swooning
In front of the formerly charm of perfume
This life which doesn't leave you
Submerged by sensations of love
Colors of corollas, never fading
I gave up time to fly away closer to heavens
And sometimes you burn your wings to it
No pride is feigned
The sun gives me strength to see
If you run behind me
If you come after me
But, in fact, I don't know
Who, from you or me, will see the end of all this
I compromised myself for your soul heat
My hands tremble when I know you close, so close
You touch my skin by forgotten sweetnesses
You slide on my life by wished ways
Of charm, you abandon the superficial
Remaining my heart of love and my believer
Sables mouvants / Moving sands
Oubli, désespoir fracassant,
assourdie la pensée de mon amour,
aux vents brûlés, les témoignages indécents,
sables mouvants, émouvants distillés
lourd le cœur, las d'être enfermé
Dans les jeux d'un autre, en aveugle consentie,
consentante pour sa propre perte.
Brûlée à l'amour,
je n'ai jamais regardé de l'autre côté,
une pierre de tristesse échouée,
se laisser choir pour y croire,
un égo, en échos démesurés,
nous amène à faire pleuvoir
la culpabilité de notre inaction
sur l'autre, en contrefaçon.
si de facilités en futilités,
vous êtes tombés,
bien malheureuse en sera la chute,
bien que prévisible elle fût.
Oblivion, staggering despair,
Dimmed the thought of my love,
Through burned winds, indecent testimonies,
unstable sands, moving distilled
Heavy heart, tired to be locked
In the games of another, blind granted,
Willing for his own fate.
Burned by love,
I've never looked on the other side,
a stone of grounded sadness,
being allowed to fall to believe,
an ego, in disproportionate echos,
brings us to make rain
culpability for our inaction
on others, with forgery.
If from facilities to futilities,
you fell into,
sad will be the fate,
though aknowledgable she was.
assourdie la pensée de mon amour,
aux vents brûlés, les témoignages indécents,
sables mouvants, émouvants distillés
lourd le cœur, las d'être enfermé
Dans les jeux d'un autre, en aveugle consentie,
consentante pour sa propre perte.
Brûlée à l'amour,
je n'ai jamais regardé de l'autre côté,
une pierre de tristesse échouée,
se laisser choir pour y croire,
un égo, en échos démesurés,
nous amène à faire pleuvoir
la culpabilité de notre inaction
sur l'autre, en contrefaçon.
si de facilités en futilités,
vous êtes tombés,
bien malheureuse en sera la chute,
bien que prévisible elle fût.
Oblivion, staggering despair,
Dimmed the thought of my love,
Through burned winds, indecent testimonies,
unstable sands, moving distilled
Heavy heart, tired to be locked
In the games of another, blind granted,
Willing for his own fate.
Burned by love,
I've never looked on the other side,
a stone of grounded sadness,
being allowed to fall to believe,
an ego, in disproportionate echos,
brings us to make rain
culpability for our inaction
on others, with forgery.
If from facilities to futilities,
you fell into,
sad will be the fate,
though aknowledgable she was.
Voice of silence
Voice of silence,
i heard you calling me,
Special to the deaf,
no heart feelings allowed.
Essential for the lier,
twisted tongue from start,
the voice was lost into oblivion.
Voice of silence,
will you keep me from misunderstanding
or will you try to knock me down?
hearts forget why and when
love was at their door,
what they did,
turning their back to him.
i heard you calling me,
Special to the deaf,
no heart feelings allowed.
Essential for the lier,
twisted tongue from start,
the voice was lost into oblivion.
Voice of silence,
will you keep me from misunderstanding
or will you try to knock me down?
hearts forget why and when
love was at their door,
what they did,
turning their back to him.
mercredi 8 janvier 2014
Sadly so, people come and go,
life is cruel sometimes,
just another shot at your heart,
a flower is gone too soon.
Stilled in silence, i am unable to understand
which way goes my world,
words are made of confession,
thoughts selfishly thrown at one's another face.
Deeply so, it goes wild and uncaring,
quantified and limited in time,
search for the ultimate,
an expected end of pleasure.
This is not that i am gentle or naive,
this is not a demand for the impossible,
this is not a desire expressed for free,
a flower is gone too soon.
Sadly so, people come and go,
life is cruel sometimes,
just another shot at your heart,
a flower is gone too soon.
Stilled in silence, i am unable to understand
which way goes my world,
words are made of confession,
thoughts selfishly thrown at one's another face.
Deeply so, it goes wild and uncaring,
quantified and limited in time,
search for the ultimate,
an expected end of pleasure.
This is not that i am gentle or naive,
this is not a demand for the impossible,
this is not a desire expressed for free,
a flower is gone too soon.
dimanche 5 janvier 2014
My last wicked wednesday game! A paint job!

(list all the new entries)
Hi I participated today at this challenge called "a paint job", it was fun for me at least and i hope you will enjoy.
A new paint job,
my crackled surface cackled from hit
feeling despair covered by it
without even a blob
Will you get me laid
under the color of your dreams?
will you let the old maid
play with her teen toys off means?
Surely she got me flooding the oil
to mingle with her juices
easy on the foil
metallic scratch on my pieces
Finally the last straw
will get her in awe,
for she accessed so easily
my folds and contours sheepishly!
A puppet-master (eng only)
This is my part of an exchange i had on twitter today on 05/01/2014 with a dear friend ;-)
A puppet-master will satiate her needs playfully
tingling while pulling the strings,
till puppet doll is purring loudly!
Kneel before your real master,
the puppet takes seriously her role,
she stole your strength with seriously wild manner!
Plucked by yr inner sense of manhood usage
I feel desirable when facing the mirror
picking up fancy under clothes to satisfy you!
Your marionette let it all go till completion
New year eve has made her very compliant
to your true desire!
I shall owe you my freedom,
words cannot tell how much,
gesture will compensate,
untangled till i mingle.
You fed me with glow and purity,
words flow freely within your embrace
warm caress I steal from future times of need.
A puppet-master will satiate her needs playfully
tingling while pulling the strings,
till puppet doll is purring loudly!
Kneel before your real master,
the puppet takes seriously her role,
she stole your strength with seriously wild manner!
Plucked by yr inner sense of manhood usage
I feel desirable when facing the mirror
picking up fancy under clothes to satisfy you!
Your marionette let it all go till completion
New year eve has made her very compliant
to your true desire!
I shall owe you my freedom,
words cannot tell how much,
gesture will compensate,
untangled till i mingle.
You fed me with glow and purity,
words flow freely within your embrace
warm caress I steal from future times of need.
Vertigo (eng only)
Vertigo, i would trade for love,
Stability, i would get it done,
Strength, will it be one to share?
Virtuality, will it be a second home?
Vertigo in one sentence
A fate for my senses
A bless for my believes
Will he indulge and seduce me for more?
Vertigo behind a curtain of lace and jealousy,
Wondering what he is doing
Will he come and play me as a doll
Behind the curtain of love?
Vertigo, vestige of power,
Position of release, soft brush,
Pliant mind to receive
Virtual donation of juices.
Stability, i would get it done,
Strength, will it be one to share?
Virtuality, will it be a second home?
Vertigo in one sentence
A fate for my senses
A bless for my believes
Will he indulge and seduce me for more?
Vertigo behind a curtain of lace and jealousy,
Wondering what he is doing
Will he come and play me as a doll
Behind the curtain of love?
Vertigo, vestige of power,
Position of release, soft brush,
Pliant mind to receive
Virtual donation of juices.
samedi 4 janvier 2014
Quand ton image me poursuit / When your visage haunts me
Quand ton image me poursuit,
Mauvais rêve : mi-dieu, mi-homme
J’imagine encore le son de ta voix
Je la recrée partout en moi.
Chaque sourire, chaque moment,
Comme autant de phares immobiles
C’est à peine si je peux penser
Ce que sera demain sans témoins,
Ta présence à mes côtés,
Je ne demande rien de moins,
Chaque sourire, chaque regard aimant,
Comme autant de non-dits fragiles.
Quand ton image me poursuit…
Des morceaux d’histoires
Qu’on se raconte à demi-mots
Comme s’ils n’existaient pas,
N’avaient pas de place dans nos cœurs.
Des morceaux d’histoires
Des lambeaux de chaleur
Qu’on se colle à la peau
Comme autant d’oublis de la réalité fatale.
Ce sont ces petits mots, donnés à ta vie
Glissés dans la maison, dans ton sommeil
Ce sont ces désirables maux, donnés à ma vie
Mangés sans raison gardée, doux comme le miel…
Déchirés pour mieux les partager…
Soulagement d’amour et d’ombre
Source de lumière et de peine
Soit là demain pour acquitter enfin…
La dette et le dessein.
Ton nom, en conscience, à peine effleure
Laisse le cœur enflammé…
Que ne laisses-tu ton prénom
Toucher le cœur sans affront ?
Soulagement d’amour et d’ombre
Telle est la volonté d’un cœur sombre
Soit là demain, pour acquitter enfin…
La dette et le dessein.
Quand ton image me poursuit…
Déchirée pour mieux la partager…
Amour… guide-le vers son destin…
Destinée cruelle qui ne voit pas ma fin…
sept-93 et mars-2001
Looking like still headlights,
If only I could think of
What tomorrow will be without witnesses,
You by my side,
I ask for nothing less,
Each smile, each loving gaze,
Like fragile moments unsaid.
When your visage haunts me...
Your name, consciously, barely brushes
Let your heart burning...
Why don't you leave it
Touch the core without indignity?
Mauvais rêve : mi-dieu, mi-homme
J’imagine encore le son de ta voix
Je la recrée partout en moi.
Chaque sourire, chaque moment,
Comme autant de phares immobiles
C’est à peine si je peux penser
Ce que sera demain sans témoins,
Ta présence à mes côtés,
Je ne demande rien de moins,
Chaque sourire, chaque regard aimant,
Comme autant de non-dits fragiles.
Quand ton image me poursuit…
Des morceaux d’histoires
Qu’on se raconte à demi-mots
Comme s’ils n’existaient pas,
N’avaient pas de place dans nos cœurs.
Des morceaux d’histoires
Des lambeaux de chaleur
Qu’on se colle à la peau
Comme autant d’oublis de la réalité fatale.
Ce sont ces petits mots, donnés à ta vie
Glissés dans la maison, dans ton sommeil
Ce sont ces désirables maux, donnés à ma vie
Mangés sans raison gardée, doux comme le miel…
Déchirés pour mieux les partager…
Soulagement d’amour et d’ombre
Source de lumière et de peine
Soit là demain pour acquitter enfin…
La dette et le dessein.
Ton nom, en conscience, à peine effleure
Laisse le cœur enflammé…
Que ne laisses-tu ton prénom
Toucher le cœur sans affront ?
Soulagement d’amour et d’ombre
Telle est la volonté d’un cœur sombre
Soit là demain, pour acquitter enfin…
La dette et le dessein.
Quand ton image me poursuit…
Déchirée pour mieux la partager…
Amour… guide-le vers son destin…
Destinée cruelle qui ne voit pas ma fin…
sept-93 et mars-2001
When your visage haunts me,
Bad dream: half-god, half-man
I imagine again the sound of your voice
I replay it all over me.
Each smile, each moment,Bad dream: half-god, half-man
I imagine again the sound of your voice
I replay it all over me.
Looking like still headlights,
If only I could think of
What tomorrow will be without witnesses,
You by my side,
I ask for nothing less,
Each smile, each loving gaze,
Like fragile moments unsaid.
When your visage haunts me...
Pieces of stories
We tell each other almost silently
As if they did not exist,
And had no place in our hearts.
Pieces of stories
Shreds of heat
That sticks to the skin
Like oblivion to a fatal reality.
We tell each other almost silently
As if they did not exist,
And had no place in our hearts.
Pieces of stories
Shreds of heat
That sticks to the skin
Like oblivion to a fatal reality.
These are little words, given to your life
Swiped through the house, in your dreams,
These are desirable pains, given to my life
Eaten, no kept reason, sweet as honey...
Torn to share them at best...
Swiped through the house, in your dreams,
These are desirable pains, given to my life
Eaten, no kept reason, sweet as honey...
Torn to share them at best...
Relief by love and shadow
Source of light and sorrow
Be there tomorrow to pay finally...
Debt and intention.
Source of light and sorrow
Be there tomorrow to pay finally...
Debt and intention.
Your name, consciously, barely brushes
Let your heart burning...
Why don't you leave it
Touch the core without indignity?
Relief by love and shadow
Such is the will of a somber heart,
Be there tomorrow to pay finally,
Debt and intention.
When your visage haunts me
Torn to share her at best,
Love... guide him to his destiny,
Cruel destiny, which doesn't see my end.
Such is the will of a somber heart,
Be there tomorrow to pay finally,
Debt and intention.
When your visage haunts me
Torn to share her at best,
Love... guide him to his destiny,
Cruel destiny, which doesn't see my end.
mercredi 1 janvier 2014
Hébétée par les longues années d'amitié / Dulled by long years of friendship
Hébétée par les longues années d'amitié
Il y a des trous dans ma mémoire
Des gens qu’il vaut mieux oublier
Des … que la force guide vers l’inconscience,
Des … que la force libère des mauvais moments.
Hébétée par le temps qui court
La pensée bascule vers ceux qu’on aime
Vers ceux qu’on n’oublie pas
Quels que soient la fatigue ou l’amour
Dont on s’entoure pour ne pas penser…
A la peur de tout perdre
Je joins la crainte de ne pas le rencontrer
De ne pas savoir y croire
De ne pas valoir la peine de me noyer dans son cœur.
Hébétée par le temps qui court
Je me retourne sur des idées,
Mes idoles en fumée,
Quel que soit le plaisir de désirer
Je me retrouve sur des planches d’idées noires.
Hébétée par les longues années d'amitié
Pour cet homme rencontré au lycée
Je guette mes instants de volonté
Pour retrouver ma liberté,
Assassinée pour un cœur lié…
3/10/93 et 28/03/01
Dulled by long years of friendship
There are blanks in my memory
People it's better to forget
Some, strength guides towards unconsciousness
Some, strength releases from tough moments
Dulled by long running days
My thoughts drift towards those we love
And ones we will never forget
Whatever the feeling of tiredness or love
We numbly surround ourselves
With fear to lose everything
My way may never come accross his
Have enough strength to believe in it
And be worth drowning myself in his heart
Dulled by long running years
I turn around flooted ideas
My idols, vanishing smokes
Whatever the feeling of desire
I find myself on dark sides of thoughts
Dulled by long years of friendship
For this man met in high school
I look for moments of strength
To find my freedom
Dead for a bound heart
Il y a des trous dans ma mémoire
Des gens qu’il vaut mieux oublier
Des … que la force guide vers l’inconscience,
Des … que la force libère des mauvais moments.
Hébétée par le temps qui court
La pensée bascule vers ceux qu’on aime
Vers ceux qu’on n’oublie pas
Quels que soient la fatigue ou l’amour
Dont on s’entoure pour ne pas penser…
A la peur de tout perdre
Je joins la crainte de ne pas le rencontrer
De ne pas savoir y croire
De ne pas valoir la peine de me noyer dans son cœur.
Hébétée par le temps qui court
Je me retourne sur des idées,
Mes idoles en fumée,
Quel que soit le plaisir de désirer
Je me retrouve sur des planches d’idées noires.
Hébétée par les longues années d'amitié
Pour cet homme rencontré au lycée
Je guette mes instants de volonté
Pour retrouver ma liberté,
Assassinée pour un cœur lié…
3/10/93 et 28/03/01
Dulled by long years of friendship
There are blanks in my memory
People it's better to forget
Some, strength guides towards unconsciousness
Some, strength releases from tough moments
Dulled by long running days
My thoughts drift towards those we love
And ones we will never forget
Whatever the feeling of tiredness or love
We numbly surround ourselves
With fear to lose everything
My way may never come accross his
Have enough strength to believe in it
And be worth drowning myself in his heart
Dulled by long running years
I turn around flooted ideas
My idols, vanishing smokes
Whatever the feeling of desire
I find myself on dark sides of thoughts
Dulled by long years of friendship
For this man met in high school
I look for moments of strength
To find my freedom
Dead for a bound heart
Quelques gouttes d'encre / A few drops of ink
Quelques gouttes d’encre
Un plume qui me guette, au détour d’une ligne
Un papillon se pose et ferme ses ailes
De son dernier vol, il goûte la beauté.
Comme un papillon, laisses la vie te quitter
Avec l’amour, vis le dernier instant d’un autre.
Une plume légère s’échappe et dessine son trait de lumière,
Pour quelques gouttes de sang…
Quelques gouttes d’encre s’échappent d’un cœur
S’enfuient par des routes parallèles
Pour peindre d’autres aquarelles.
Quelques mères s’inquiètent,
Des perles de pluie dans les yeux,
De te voir trouver mieux
Que désirer les cieux.
Pour quelques gouttes de sang…
Quelques gouttes d’encre
Achèvent le dessin de l’ancre.
Un papillon se pose et ferme ses ailes.
Ce bateau, œuvre d’un temps révolu
Se voit relégué au musée des corps défendus.
Comme un papillon, il s’est posé sur le sable mouillé
Avec l’amour de ses derniers maîtres pour compagnon,
D’une plume légère s’échappent quelques lambeaux de souvenirs,
Quelques bouts d’amour.
3/10/93 et 29/03/01
A few drops of ink
A feather lies in wait for me at a corner line,
A butterfly settles and closes its wings
In a surreal flight, blessed by a sense of beauty.
Like a butterfly, let life leave you...
With love, live the last moment of another.
A delicate feather escapes and draws its ray of sunshine,
For a few drops of blood...
A few drops of ink escape from your heart
Run away through parallel roads
To paint watercolors in another existence.
Quite a few mothers worry,
Rainy pearls in their eyes,
For you to find better
Than a death wish for heaven,
For a few drops of blood...
A few drops of ink
Ends the design of the anchor.
A butterfly settles and closes its wings.
A boat, molded in bygone days,
Sees itself relegated to the museum of forbidden bodies.
As a butterfly, it settled on the wet sand
With the love of his last masters for companion,
From a light feather, escape shreds of souvenirs,
A few tiny drops of love.
Un plume qui me guette, au détour d’une ligne
Un papillon se pose et ferme ses ailes
De son dernier vol, il goûte la beauté.
Comme un papillon, laisses la vie te quitter
Avec l’amour, vis le dernier instant d’un autre.
Une plume légère s’échappe et dessine son trait de lumière,
Pour quelques gouttes de sang…
Quelques gouttes d’encre s’échappent d’un cœur
S’enfuient par des routes parallèles
Pour peindre d’autres aquarelles.
Quelques mères s’inquiètent,
Des perles de pluie dans les yeux,
De te voir trouver mieux
Que désirer les cieux.
Pour quelques gouttes de sang…
Quelques gouttes d’encre
Achèvent le dessin de l’ancre.
Un papillon se pose et ferme ses ailes.
Ce bateau, œuvre d’un temps révolu
Se voit relégué au musée des corps défendus.
Comme un papillon, il s’est posé sur le sable mouillé
Avec l’amour de ses derniers maîtres pour compagnon,
D’une plume légère s’échappent quelques lambeaux de souvenirs,
Quelques bouts d’amour.
3/10/93 et 29/03/01
A few drops of ink
A feather lies in wait for me at a corner line,
A butterfly settles and closes its wings
In a surreal flight, blessed by a sense of beauty.
Like a butterfly, let life leave you...
With love, live the last moment of another.
A delicate feather escapes and draws its ray of sunshine,
For a few drops of blood...
A few drops of ink escape from your heart
Run away through parallel roads
To paint watercolors in another existence.
Quite a few mothers worry,
Rainy pearls in their eyes,
For you to find better
Than a death wish for heaven,
For a few drops of blood...
A few drops of ink
Ends the design of the anchor.
A butterfly settles and closes its wings.
A boat, molded in bygone days,
Sees itself relegated to the museum of forbidden bodies.
As a butterfly, it settled on the wet sand
With the love of his last masters for companion,
From a light feather, escape shreds of souvenirs,
A few tiny drops of love.
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