
dimanche 10 novembre 2013

Darkness / Noirceur (french-english versions) + dark thought (eng piece)

  • Noirceur:
          une ombre, un mur, 
          pas de mûre réflexion,
          le décor n'a pas de relations,
          mon humeur se voit dans la glace, 
          triste pensée que ce qui vous ressemble, 
          une vie qui tourne à l'infini, sans recoin, ni repos.

  • darkness:

    a shadow, a wall,
    no thoughtful thoughts,
    the set has no delation,
    my humor can be seen in a mirror,
    sad thought is what ressemble you,
    a life whirling infinately, no premises, no rest.

    (i had to change the sense a bit, some stuff doesn't work from french to english, but the general meaning is there hopefully)

    dark thoughts
    dark thoughts sueing you, 
    hands held high for nothing, 
    dark thoughts escape your reality, 
    mingling souvenirs with new addictions, 
    words can't help, 
    brain can't focus, 
    let it go away, 
    let it go away

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